The Auctioneer shall conduct the Auction in accordance with prescribed legislation.
The Auctioneer will clearly state the bid amount.
Prior to selling or passing in the property, the Auctioneer will clearly call the bid three (3) times.
If the Auctioneer advises that the property is “On the Market” or “Selling”, then the property will be sold to the highest bidder.
If the Auctioneer may or may not seek instructions from the Seller prior to selling or passing in the property.
The Auctioneer will not engage, subscribe or condone the use of Dummy Bidders.
If the Auctioneer exercises the right to bid on behalf of the Seller, he/she will announce and identify any such bids.
The Auctioneer, whilst working to achieve the best possible sale price for the Seller, will treat all bidders honestly, fairly and ethically.